Journal Series 1 Number 1

Note that this is a re-print of the original publication, based on a scanned copy. During the process of converting the original paper copy to this electronic version, the original formatting, page layout and page numbers have been lost. All diagrams and surveys have been scanned from the original and are consequently of poor quality.



Club Notices

Books Available On Loan

Annual General Meeting Report (1953)


Journal published by the Shepton Mallet Caving Club

The Mineries, Wells Road, Priddy, Wells, Somerset, BA5 3AU



At the Annual General Meeting, a report of which will be given later in this Newsletter, it was unanimously decided in view of increased membership, especially of members living in London and Cheshire, to publish a quarterly Newsletter. At present the main purpose of the Newsletter will be to inform members of our future program of trips and items of interest.

It is hoped that members will help to make this publication a success by contributing articles, etc.


Club Notices

The Treasurer has asked your editors to include the following notices:

Increased Subscriptions

At the Annual General Meeting held in Shepton Mallet on 7th November it was decided to increase the annual subscription to 7/6d to cover increased costs in notifying members of caving trips and to provide capital for necessary equipment for the club (ladders, ropes etc). All subscriptions should be sent to the Treasurer as soon as possible and in any case not later than 31st January. No further notice regarding subscriptions will be sent out.

Club Badges

Official Cloth Badges may be obtained from the Treasurer at 2/-d each. It is hoped that all members will realise the advertisement value of these badges and purchase accordingly. Mr Chivers still has six small lapel badges which will be sent to paid up members on request.

Photographic copies of sketch plans of Stoke Lane Swallet (also 2/-d each) are available from the Treasurer.

Official Cloth Badges may be obtained from the Treasurer at 2/-d each. It is hoped that all members will realise the advertisement value of these badges and purchase accordingly. Mr Chivers still has six small lapel badges which will be sent to paid up members on request.

Photographic copies of sketch plans of Stoke Lane Swallet (also 2/-d each) are available from the Treasurer.


Books Available On Loan

The following publications are available on loan from the Secretary:

  • The Key Plan Of Gaping Gill – by Butcher & Gemmell (Pub. No. 5).
  • Cave Research Group of Great Britain.
  • Initial Survey of Browns Hole.
  • The Falls and Caves of Ingleton – by John L Hamer.

The latest publication of the Cave Research Group is at present on loan to Mr Sykes of the London Group as it contains Mr L Railton's most valuable report on the making of lightweight equipment.

  • Britain Underground – by N Thornber, Stride Bros. JO Myers. Maps by Arthur Gemmell.
  • Underground Adventure – by A Gemmell & JO Myers.
  • Both these publications are by Dalesman Publishing Company.
  • British Caving – edited by CHD Cullingford.

The following have been read by your editor and are recommended:

  • Cave Men New and Old – by N Casteret.
  • 10 Years Under the Earth – by N Casteret.
  • My Caves – by N Casteret.
  • Craters of Fire – by H Tazieff.
  • Lascaux Cave Paintings – by F Windels.

It is hardly necessary to state that Mr Balch's books are invaluable to Mendip Cavers and new cavers are advised to make these their first buy.

It is regretted that several publications including the report of the Mendip Nature Research Committee, several recent copies of the British Caver and recent reports of the Cave Research Group, which have been sent on the rota system are being held up by one of the members. Enquiries have been made but the reason for the holdup is not known. Would the member please return those publications to Mr R Cave, Secretary, immediately. In view of this breakdown in the rota system, it has been decided that publications are now only available from the Secretary by request.

Members who were on the Stoke Lane trip when we removed some of the charcoal for export examination will be interested to hear that Mr L Railton is sending the sample to France as facilities do not exist in this country.


Annual General Meeting Report

The following officers were elected:

President: CE Burnell

Secretary: R Cave

Treasurer: CE Chivers

Expedition Secretary: CE Gloyn

Committee: M Pullen, J Baker, D Roberts, F Davies, R Rix (London Group representative)

It was decided that this first edition of the Newsletter be sent to all those interested in the club. Future editions will be sent to "paid up" members only.

The following are extracts from the Shepton Mallet newspaper.

"An active and successful year was reported by the Secretary; among those present were members from Exeter University and the London Caving Group."

"The Secretary added that membership which was still increasing was by no means confined to the Somerset area. During the year members from a London cycling club had joined them and there had been five new members from Cheshire."

"The Club now had several keen photographers and was particularly indebted to Mr Reg Warr for interesting colour slides. The Club had many interesting trips including two to South Wales which had been highlights of the caving year."

"The Secretary read a letter from Mr Max Unwin stating that a report on the Stoke Lane bones would be sent to the Club when completed. The bones were removed four years ago and it was stated that members were anxious to have a report."

"Future expeditions were discussed and it was agreed that apart from local caves, trips should be made to Wales, Derbyshire, Devon and London where it was proposed to explore the Fleet River Tunnels."

"The Secretary concluded his report by thanking the many friends who had once again helped the Club, now too many to mention all by name but special thanks must be made to the South Wales Caving Club, the Wessex Cave Club and Mr & Mrs Stock."


 Journal Series 01 Number 1