Note that this is a re-print of the original publication, based on a scanned copy. During the process of converting the original paper copy to this electronic version, the original formatting, page layout and page numbers have been lost. All diagrams and surveys have been scanned from the original and are consequently of poor quality.
Additional Note, there is reason to believe the original newsletter contained a further page, as the end of page 3 is marked "continued …" and there is reference to a note at the end of the newsletter which does not appear. This copy was made from a photographic copy in the library of Cmdr TR Shaw; that photographic copy was made from a copy that was held in the library of the Cave Research Group, and the CRG library no longer possess a copy. This incomplete copy is the only copy that has been possible to trace.
Club Notices
Reports on Latest Trips
Further Club Notices
Published by the Shepton Mallet Caving Club
The Mineries, Wells Road, Priddy, Wells, Somerset, BA5 3AU
We include in this issue a list of "paid up" members. As this journal will only be sent to these members, will you please contact those whose names do not appear on the list. If any member does not wish to continue membership please contact the Hon. Secretary.
The editors will be pleased to receive any contributions in the form of a write-up (or suggestions) for the Journal. You will appreciate that without your co-operation this Journal will fail in its object of keeping our widely spread members in touch with each other.
Club Notices
Cave Research Group of Great Britain
We are club members of this group and the following arrangements are announced for 1954:
Southern General Meeting – Axbridge 12th June 1954
Northern General Meeting – Settle 10th July 1954
Annual General Meeting – Sheffield 30th November 1954
Will any of our members wishing to offer papers for any of these meetings please communicate with The Secretary, Cave Research Group - Mr GT Warwick, 60 Spring Lane, Erdington, Birmingham 24.
Visit of Ivan Gams:
The Secretary regrets that the notifications of Ivan Gams lectures were sent out so late but the delay was unavoidable.
The following note was published in the latest CRG Circular:
"A New Diving Organisation – The Underwater Explorer’s Club. A letter has been received from the Secretary of the Underwater Explorer's Club, explaining its objects and functions. To date no cave diving has been undertaken, but contacts have been made with the cave diving groups. The club exists to promote all aspects of diving, and has started instructional classes in London, and hopes to produce a journal in the near future. For་ further particulars, apply to the Founder, H Penman Esq., Underwater Explorer's Club, 2 Thames House, Queen Street Place, London, EC4. The entrance fee is 1 guinea and the annual subscription is also 1 guinea."
There are still several CRG publications in circulation. Will the members who hold these please return them to the Hon. Secretary.
The following CRG publications are available and may be obtained on request from the Hon. Secretary.
- CRG Newsletters (No. 42 - January-February 1953, No. 43 - March-April 1953, No. 44 - May-June 1953, No. 47 - November-December 1953)
- Key Plan Gaping Gill – by Butcher and Gemmell
- The Ogof Ffynnon Ddu System – by Mr L Railton
A new lifeline has been added and the new ladders discussed at the AGM are in the capable hands of Mr F Sykes and the other London members. If any member wishing to try his hand at the making of lightweight tackle, Mr L Railton's excellent article on this subject is held by Mr F Sykes who no doubt will pass it on if approached.
British Caver
The most recent Volume No. 24 is now available on loan to any member on request to the Hon. Secretary. Past volumes Nos. 20-22 are also available. The Secretary once again points out that several copies of British Caver are still in circulation and as the Cheshire members are anxious to see these it would be appreciated if these could be returned as soon as possible.
Browns Hole
Any help that can be given to this dig would be appreciated by Mr Brown who, as members will know, has been a good friend to the club.
Windsor Hill Dig
Mervyn Pullen and Ron Cave have recently spoken to several people who were present when this cave was discovered, including the quarrymen who removed the formations for the National History Museum. In view of the information received there seems little point in continuing this dig. Mr Max Urwin's recent article in the CRG newsletter does not agree with this opinion. We may see further developments in this area when he returns from his African Expedition.
Reports on Latest Trips
Swildons - 31st January 1954
Members will recall that the roads were ice bound and only Ted Gloyn managed to reach Priddy Green. R Cave and Dib Roberts managed to get as far as the Wessex Hut when 'Jesebel' had a back wheel puncture. This was at 11am and by 4pm, with the help of a friendly RAC Scout who showed signs of keen interest in caving and fortified by a 'cuppa' provided by a Wessex member, they visited Hillier Cave in Fairy Cave Quarry. This was one day when it was warmer in than out! This cave has some interesting formations, rimstone pools etc, and will be worth a visit. Members are reminded that permission must be obtained from the quarry owner, telephone number Oakhill 266.
Eastwater - 14th February 1954
Dib Roberts cycled up to Priddy, no members present, but fortunately was able to join Dr Lloyd on a Swildons 1 trip.
South Wales - 5-7th March 1954
Much better attendance on this trip. Present from the Cheshire Group: C Childs, A Tunna, K Jones, T Robinson, P Cann and J. Richardson. Present from the Somerset Group: R Cave and T Gloyn. This trip was a huge success made so by the unfailing hospitality of the SW Cave Club. We were privileged to visit Tunnel Cave, comparatively new and only recently made accessible. This cave is still in the process of exploration by the SWCC. We had the pleasure of witnessing some acrobatic endeavours by Mr D Hunt and Mr L Railton in securing a traverse wire in cascade chamber, and a further acrobatic escapade by Ron Cave, who we thought at the time was trying to hold up Tunnel Cave - to save this worthy gentleman's blushes this is best left alone, no doubt he will enlarge on his experience if pressed to do so in person.
Further Club Notices
Easter Meet
This trip was cancelled due to a disappointing lack of support. It is hoped that it can be arranged at a later date.
Club Badges
These are now available from the Treasurer at 2/- each.
Wiltshire County Scouts Seniors
Two of the members gave a talk and many of the boys expressed the desire to visit Mendip Caves. The offer of members to act as guides will be greatly appreciated.
Future Events
Full Swildons - 9th May 1954. Meet Priddy Green 10:45 am.
South Wales - Weekend 28th-30th May 1954 (see note at end of newsletter)
Full Stoke - 4th July 1954
Devon Caves