Journal series 06, contents and abstracts

Title: Combe Down Stone Mine
Author(s): Mehew, R.D.
Journal Series 6, Number 1, Spring 1976, page(s) 3-5
Abstract: Final report on uncompleted survey commenced in 1971/2.
Title: Two Lesser Visited Passages in St. Cuthbert's Swallet
Author(s): Mills, M.T.
Journal Series 6, Number 1, Spring 1976, page(s) 6-9
Abstract: Detailed account of surveying Disappointment and Drinking Fountain passages to CRG Grades 6D and 5C respectively.
Title: Lava Tube Caves on Mount Etna, Sicily
Author(s): Wood, C.
Journal Series 6, Number 1, Spring 1976, page(s) 10-16
Abstract: Detailed account of a six day visit in August 1975 with descriptions of Grotta del Gelo, Grotta Aci, Grotta dei Lamponi 742m long (survey) and Pozzo del M. Due Pizzi inferior 2, 50m deep (survey)
Title: Caves of North Cornwall
Author(s): Manley, D.
Journal Series 6, Number 1, Spring 1976, page(s) 17-24
Abstract: Details 9 sea caves including surveys of Warren Cove Cave, Cliff Castle Hole, Treyarnon 4 on the coast of North Cornwall between Dinas Head and Fox Cove.
Title: Caves and Other Items of Speleological Interest on Postage Stamps
Author(s): Mansfield, R.
Journal Series 6, Number 2, Autumn 1976, page(s) 3-5
Abstract: Summarises caves depicted, cave art, karst features, cave discoverers and explorers, and cave animals, together with a bibliography
Title: Compton Martin Ochre Mine
Author(s): Mills, M.T.
Journal Series 6, Number 2, Autumn 1976, page(s) 6-9
Abstract: Details this recent Mendip find, length 400m, together with plan survey
Title: Further Notes on Compton Martin Ochre Mine
Author(s): Manley, D.
Journal Series 6, Number 2, Autumn 1976, page(s) 10-12
Abstract: Reports on features in the mine and local investigations as to when it was last worked.
Title: Fungal Notes on Compton Martin Ochre Mine
Author(s): Taylor, G.S.
Journal Series 6, Number 2, Autumn 1976, page(s) 13-14
Abstract: Details 5 varieties of fungi and moulds noted in the mine
Title: The Location of Caves by Geo-resistivity.
Author(s): Hiscock, P.L.
Journal Series 6, Number 2, Autumn 1976, page(s) 15-18
Abstract: Summarises the methods and reports an investigation made in March/April 1976 using a Wenner configuration and an A. B. E. M. Terrameter above the chambers of Stoke Lane Slocker on Eastern Mendip, including field procedure and deductions.
Title: Book review: The Caving Songs of Mendip
Author(s): Mills, M.T.
Journal Series 6, Number 2, Autumn 1976, page(s) 19-21
Abstract: Review of this publication by the Grampian Speleological Group.
Title: Publication Review: SMCC Occasional Publications Nos. 7 & 8
Author(s): Manley, D.
Journal Series 6, Number 2, Autumn 1976, page(s) 22
Abstract: Review of SMCC Occasional Papers No. 7, Expedition to Abisso di Bifurto, Mount Pollina, Calabria, S. Italy, 1976, and No. 8, The Subterranean Wonders of Kenya.
Title: Measurements of Flow in Subterranean Streamways
Author(s): Manley, D., Taylor, G.S.
Journal Series 6, Number 3, Spring 1977, page(s) 3-8
Abstract: Various methods including weirs, floats and gulp dilution techniques are discussed and conclusions made based on experimentation
Title: A Sensitive Electrical Thermometer
Author(s): Edwards, S.J.
Journal Series 6, Number 3, Spring 1977, page(s) 9-13
Abstract: Details circuitry, construction and components list of a sensitive electrical thermometer for measuring cave waters.
Title: Factors Contributing to the Genesis of Caves in Lava
Author(s): Wood, C.
Journal Series 6, Number 3, Spring 1977, page(s) 14-26
Abstract: Considers in detail resume of present knowledge of cave form and occurrence; factors that contribute to cave genesis; circumstances inducing the growth of conduits in lava flows; circumstances inducing conduit drainage; and measurement of the genetic factors in the field.
Title: Mount Suswa Lava Caves, Kenya: Their Position Amongst the Great Volcanic Cave Systems of the World (with particular reference to Africa).
Author(s): Mills, M.T.
Journal Series 6, Number 4, Autumn 1977, page(s) 3-7
Abstract: Discusses how lava tubes should be measured.  Details the longest currently reported/known.  Summarises the Mount Suswa caves and details other lava caves reported in Cameroon, Chad, Ethiopia, Madagascar, Nigeria, Tanzania, and Uganda/Zaire.  Repeats the case for some form of preservation area for the Mount Suswa lava caves.  N.B. a Bibliography of 50 references (3 pages) was available separately
Title: The Law Hack
Author(s): Shandley, B.
Journal Series 6, Number 4, Autumn 1977, page(s) 8-9
Abstract: Summary: a special tool kept for Mendip lead miners to enable them to stake their claims in the 17th and 18th centuries.  In the Peak District an alternative method was used.
Title: Report of a Survey of Thrupe Lane, Swallet, East Mendip
Author(s): Mills, M.T.
Journal Series 6, Number 4, Autumn 1977, page(s) 10-16
Abstract: Detailed account of early history and previous surveys and the 16 trips in 1975/7 to produce  BCRA grade 5D survey of this 870m (2850 ft) long and 118m (387 ft) deep cave.
Title: Practice Rescue at Thrupe Lane
Author(s): Manley, D.
Journal Series 6, Number 4, Autumn 1977, page(s) 17-18
Abstract: Report of and conclusions from practice rescue from the top of Atlas Pitch to the surface.
Title: Morphogenesis of the Lava Tube Caves of the 1614-24 Lava Flow, Mt Etna, Sicily
Author(s): Wood, C.
Journal Series 6, Number 5, Spring 1978, page(s) 3-20
Abstract: Detailed account of a field investigation in August 1976 into understanding the role played by lava tube caves in the formation of this most unusual lava flow, including geology of the study area and geology of the caves (Grotta dei Lamponi, Grotta degli Inglesi, Grotta del Labirinto). Relationships between the lava tube caves, the terraces and the collapse depressions, and inferred chronology of events in the study area are discussed.
Title: Phillips and Troll Hand Held Bolting Tools
Author(s): Faulkner, M.
Journal Series 6, Number 5, Spring 1978, page(s) 21-23
Abstract: An appraisal of the two systems, problems encountered, and remedies and conclusions.
Title: Garma Ciega
Author(s): Faulkner, M.
Journal Series 6, Number 6, Autumn 1978, page(s) 3-7
Abstract: Account of a descent to -800m in this system near San Pedro in the Ramales region of Northern Spain.  History of exploration, description of the system, tackle and techniques and tackle list are included.
Title: Hoyo Grande
Author(s): Butcher, A.
Journal Series 6, Number 6, Autumn 1978, page(s) 8-10
Abstract: Description of this area in the Picos de Europa, Northern Spain; terrain, access and water source.
Title: SMCC in the Hoyo Grande
Author(s): Hiscock, P.L.
Journal Series 6, Number 6, Autumn 1978, page(s) 11-14
Abstract: Reports caves found in the Hoyo Grande, Picos de Europa, Northern Spai,n and includes surveys of Cueva de la Tormenta, depth 150m, and Hoyo Grande Ice Cave, length 183m.
Title: Amuesa Pot
Author(s): Webster, M.
Journal Series 6, Number 6, Autumn 1978, page(s) 15-16
Abstract: Details the location in the Macizo Central, Picos de Europa, Northern Spain, and  descent to approx. depth of 166m.
Title: New Lamps For Old
Author(s): Knibbs, A.J.
Journal Series 6, Number 7, Spring 1979, page(s) 3-14
Abstract: Considers in detail replacing nickel cadmium and lead acid mining cells with sealed sintered-plate, nickel cadmium cells of advanced design and achieving a significant saving in size and weight.  Specification, what light duration is required?, what light output is required?, what type of battery is required?, battery configurations, cell characteristics, battery and case considerations, typical discharge characteristics at different discharge currents, and home-made battery case and fittings are discussed.
Title: Some Suggested Headings for Expedition Reports
Author(s): Royal Geographical Society
Journal Series 6, Number 7, Spring 1979, page(s) 15-16
Abstract: Extracted from information issued by the Royal Geographical Society.
Title: A Report of the 1979 UK Speleological Expedition to Kilauea and Mauna Ulu Volcanoes, Hawaii
Author(s): Jennings, A.
Journal Series 6, Number 08-Sep, Autumn 1979/Spring 1980, page(s) 3-26
Abstract: Outlines the purposes of the expedition, recent volcanic eruptions and describes the caves visited and surveyed: Thurston Lava Tube, 598m long, Kaumana Cave, 2639m long, Blair Cave 2000m long; Dr Bellou Cave 152m long; Hawaii Acres No 1 Cave 170m long, Kazumura Cave 11713m long; Apua Cave 1340m long, Ainahou Ranch Cave 7110m long.  N.B. included with this Journal as an insert was "Caves of Glass.  The Lava Tube Caves of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii" by C Wood. A1 broadsheet folded to A4.
Title: The Art of Caving
Author(s): Mills, M.T.
Journal Series 6, Number 10, Autumn 1980, page(s) 3-12
Abstract: Considers palaeolithic cave art sites in France, detailing Grotte de la Mouthe, Abri de Cap Blanc, Font-de-Gaume, Grotte de Gargas, Maz d'Azil, Grotte de Niaux, Pech-Merle, Grottes de Cougnac, Les Combarelles and Rouffignac and gives recommended reading
Title: An Outline History of Vulcanospeleology
Author(s): Mills, M.T.
Journal Series 6, Number 10, Autumn 1980, page(s) 13-26
Abstract: Considers chronologically from volcanic caves on Gran Canaria (Canary Islands) inhabited as early as 292 AD, the first mention of lava caves country by country with any known  longest cave there, up to Leviathan Cave, Kenya, discovered April 1976, together with a bibliography of 87 references.
Title: "Cueva de los Verdes" Realised
Author(s): Mills, M.T.
Journal Series 6, Number 10, Autumn 1980, page(s) 27-33
Abstract: Reports a preliminary investigation of this large lava tube on Lanzarote, Canary Islands.  Jameos del Agua and Parque National de Timanfaya were also visited.
Title: Book Review: Feerie du Monde des Cavernes
Author(s): Mills, M.T.
Journal Series 6, Number 10, Autumn 1980, page(s) 34
Abstract: Review of this publication by Alfred Bogli, published by Editions Silva, Zurich, 1976.