Title: Tagli Lava Tube, Northeast Iceland
Author(s): Lillington, A.
Journal Series 13, Number 1, Spring 2012, page(s) 2-19
Abstract: This paper discusses the full exploration and surveying in July 2012 of Tagli, a 1km long basaltic lava tube located in the Ódáðahraun, Northeast Iceland. This lava tube was discovered and partially explored in July 2011 but the full extent of this lava tube was not quite appreciated until a more thorough exploration took place during a follow-up expedition in 2012. Also described is a series of trials that were undertaken during this trip was a pilot magnetometer study using the new generation of one-chip 3-axis geomagnetic sensors which are now commonly contained inside modern “Smartphones”. The aim of these trials was to try and detect the known lava tube and to log the magnetic field and GPS data to the phone memory for later analysis.
Note that this is a re-print of the original publication, based on a scanned copy. During the process of converting the original paper copy to this electronic version, the original formatting, page layout and page numbers have been lost. All diagrams and surveys have been scanned from the original and are consequently of poor quality.